Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Which is Better: Being the Boss or Being a Leader?

"The difference between a boss and a leader...a boss says 'go', a leader says 'let's go!'" --E.M. Kelly

When I was younger, I always wanted to be the boss of someone or something. I remember trying to give orders to everyone and everything from our family pets, the dolls in my room and even the other kids on the playground. If I was playing a game with my brother or cousins, I remember always wanting to be the one in charge (gee, if you were to ask my husband, he would probably say little has changed!).

As I have grown older and have been fortunate enough to have been in positions of leadership, I have learned that there is a big difference in being the boss and in being a leader and for the record, I choose the latter. Here are a few insights I have learned along the way that has helped shaped my way of thinking:

1. The boss gets respect; the leader earns it.
2. The boss depends upon authority; the leader on good will.
3. The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm and motivates.
4. The boss says ‘ME; the leader says ‘WE.’
5. The boss places blame; the leader takes responsibility.
6. The boss tells you how; the leader shows you how.
7. The boss shows who is wrong; the leader shows what is wrong.
8. The boss depends on their title; the leader depends on others.
9. The boss says ‘Go’; the leader says ‘Let’s go.’
10. The boss is a risk; the leader takes them.

When I reflect back on the question, would I rather be a boss or a leader, I am glad that that the little kid in me who always wanted to be the boss grew up into the adult who knows it is more important to be a leader.

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